Adult Swim Squeezes a Universe into Instagram with Rick & Morty Campaign

Rick n MortyAdult Swim has launched Rickstaverse, an interactive game on Instagram to promote the second series of its show Rick & Morty.

Created by Carrot, a digital agency owned by Vice Media, the game takes its lead from a similar Reebok campaign which launched in April, but takes the idea much further.

Rickstaverse is made up of a series of Instagram accounts, each of which presents a 4×3 grid of pictures of locations from the show. Users can click on each image for a caption written in the style of Rick & Mortys dialogue, and click again to check for tags.

These might lead to new locations or give users to bonus content, including comics, basic interactive games exclusive or clips from the series. Its an incredible amount of content, all of which stays close to the voice of the show, and a fascinating use of Instagram as an organic marketing tool.
