Instagram releases top tips for businesses during economic shutdown

Today, Instagram released its top tips for businesses during lockdown, highlighting how businesses of any size can take advantage of the platforms features during this pandemic. Amid the current economic shutdown, many businesses are beginning to feel the negative effects of drastic revenue and traffic drops.

Instagrams first tip for businesses was to start utilizing Live as much as possible, citing that on Instagram alone, Live views have more than doubled in the UK in the past month. The platform suggests planning out the Live session beforehand, including lighting, strong WiFi, charged phone, and script or agenda of the session. Instagram also pointed out the importance of building an audience before going Live, so advertising the session to followers beforehand with time, date and topic.

Additionally, Instagram suggested prepping questions that may resonate with viewers beforehand, rather than try to keep track of questions popping up in the Live messages on-screen. Another aspect that could make a Live session more popular is adding a collaborator to speak on the session with you, which can be an audience member or pre-determined partner.

Next, Instagram advised businesses to take advantage of the platform’s shopping features, such as Shopping tags, which can be added to Feed posts. Additionally, Instagram Stories allows businesses to post new product launches, where viewers can use the swipe-up feature to go directly to the product page.

Instagram’s third tip is focused on using Stories to keep customers up to date on the company’s activities, as well as post Q&A and polls that the viewers can interact with. Lastly, the platform advocated for businesses to ask followers to give back to the community in these unprecedented times, including paying for meals for the elderly or donating to the NHS.
